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föstudagur, mars 09, 2012

Please go here: http://www.gogoyoko.com/album/Stop_That_Noise
Listen to the song You say I know by my band Hellvar for free!
Then go here: http://www.ruv.is/topp30
Tick the box on the right side of the page, and scroll to the bottom, until you see an orange box.The orange box says "Hver er summan af" meaning "what is the outcome of" and then there are tvo numbers you have to add up. einn is 1, tveir is 2, þrír is 3, fjórir is 4, fimm is 5, sex is 6, sjö is 7, átta is 8, níu is 9. Add the two up, improve your mathematical and icelandic skills, and help hellvar out to get the song more airplay. Do this once a day!
Thank you and have a nice weekend!

4 ummæli:

Wim Van Hooste sagði...

I will do it daily
You know I do

Heiða sagði...


spritti sagði...


Heiða sagði...

spritti þetta er bara til að útlenskir geti skilið leiðbeiningarnar um hvernig á að kjósa hellvar-lagið you say I know á Rás 2. við viljum semsagt komast á vinsældalista...